Friday, July 12, 2013

Life, Liberty, and the CONSTANT Pursuit of Happiness

The month of July is most associated with the celebration of our great country’s Independence that happened 237 years ago.  Our forefathers were proud of their commitment to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for all Americans.  In a time when colonists were dependent on Mother England for much of her needs, they sought their own independence to grow as a country of her own.  Just think of all the FAITH they had to have to make such a step? 
We are living in a time when every RIGHT that citizens of all races fought for, whether it was 237 years ago, 100 years ago, or 50 years ago, are being challenged.  Government on all levels from Federal to States is starting to undo policy and rulings that people fought and died for in this country.
Recently, the Supreme Court of the United States struck down Affirmative Action, which evens the playing ground for minorities.  Amendments 13-15 were created for a reason. Persons of color after slavery faced year after year of separate and unequal opportunities. The whole purpose of Affirmative Action was to make sure that equal opportunity truly existed. 
Another move on the part of the SCOTUS involved its ruling on the Voting Rights Act. Some may look at it as unneeded, but this takes our country back to a time where individual states can put specific criteria on whether and individual can vote or not.  Without Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, minority voters will suffer. 
Actions like these and even watching on television, a trial in the state of Florida of man( George Zimmerman) who is accused of killing a 17 year old , unarmed boy (Trayvon Martin), possibly as a result of racial profiling, affirms my belief that we are still in that constant PURSUIT of Happiness. 
Our [society] fear of others (genders, races, religions, orientations, cultures) affects our actions toward them as people.  We are all here on this earth for the same reasons: To live, love, and be happy. Let’s think back to the beginning of our country and her need to seek independence from England. What existed then was FAITH.  This faith was foremost in God, but it was also a faith in each citizen that each person wanted the same for his/her family. 
Let’s not forget the common goal. Different strokes; different folks, but we all have the same intentions: Life, Liberty, and HAPPINESS. The pursuit of it should end today if we allow it.

Dr. Sunshine 68

July 12, 2013

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