Friday, June 14, 2013

On the Right Team?

I LOVE SPORTS!  In fact, each season of the year brings a different sport for me to enjoy.  Currently, as summer kicks off, I am enjoying the NBA Playoff Finals, which are in progress. My favorite NBA team, the Lakers, did not make the playoffs this year. However, the two teams playing, the Spurs and the Heat, are keeping me entertained. 

When Fall arrives, football begins, and in the Winter, I totally enjoy watching NCAA Basketball. Anyone who knows me KNOWS that I am a DIEHARD DUKE BLUE DEVILS fan.  When Duke Basketball is on, everything on my schedule stops until the game is over.

My love for sports stems way back to high school, and I have been on several teams as an athlete. I was on a basketball team, a track team, and even a cheerleader squad.  So my exposure to teamwork and team- building started pretty early in life.  In fact, I developed a belief in the concept of teams in many different areas of life from work to family. 

A team is simply defined as “a group of people who come together to achieve a common goal.”  The goal can be either simple or complex.  When we think of a sports team, the obvious goal of achievement is to WIN.  No doubt, we all love to win. Not too many people join a team with the objective to lose.  As a former high school coach, I quickly learned that winning, although it is great, is not everything that makes a team spectacular. Talent and skills can create wins, but it does not always guarantee commitment, dedication, and perseverance.  

I remember one of my own former college coaches telling us this statement every game or meet: “No one remembers 2nd place.”  That statement hit us hard, so we always worked very hard to achieve 1st because we thought being known as NUMBER 1 was the most important factor of our contest.  His coaching method instilled in us the need to WIN in every competition, which by the way, did not always happen.

So what happens when we don’t come in first place, or we don’t win the trophy or award for being number 1?  Do all of our efforts as a team member fail? Certainly not.  It is proven that many of us gain more benefits from being a member of team than just the victory of winning.  Although winning or being first is flattering, it is not most important. 

Many times what we do or say to each other on our teams assist us in working toward the common goal.  Words and statements that encourage one another are key on any team.  By participating on teams, we learn great character traits that last a lifetime such as commitment, achievement, dedication, development, and leadership.  There are not too many places, outside of a classroom, that we can collect all of these traits over a period of time, so teamwork is essential.

Team communication is vital as well.  I have seen some of the best teams lose or miss a critical effort when communication breaks down.  “What we say” and “How we say it” make all the difference in building relationships and the success of a team.

Coaching, cheering, mentoring, and motivating team members can often be the defining factor that helps the team reach a goal.  Philippians 3:14 states, “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”  Oftentimes, the highest mark may be the championship title, the symbolic ring, trophy, award, or medal of victory, or even a monetary award for winning.  However, when we truly PRESS toward the mark, a Higher Mark- Jesus, we ultimately become a member of His team. By being on His Team, we never lose. We always win.  We gain everything in just being a faithful member of team that is striving for the highest goal.  There are no losers on Team Jesus!  So press toward the mark and enjoy the benefits of being a team of winners. It feels great to be on this winning team!

Dr. Sunshine68

June 14, 2013

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