Saturday, May 18, 2013

“Mommy...God’s Greatest Gift”

“Mom! Mama! Ma! Mommy!”   Over the last 22 years, I can recall hearing these words at least over a million times.  In fact, even when I hear other kids call their Moms, I turn around. It all sounds the same now.   As I approach the 21st birthday of my youngest child, my daughter, LeeAnn, I reflect on so many of the years that we spent in malls, gyms, and on tracks during her childhood.  I am still wondering where the 21 years went so quickly. It seems like it was just yesterday that I was bringing her home from the hospital to meet her baby brother. 
Well, it is both bitter-sweet to approach my youngest child’s “coming of age” birthday. It is a twofold feeling of knowing that I raised a beautiful, smart adult with a bright future and knowing that my baby girl is now a woman. 
It is ironic that she was born in the month that we celebrate Mother’s Day because there is no better gift to a Mom than the precious sight of her sweet baby.  In 1992, that was by far the best gift I received all year long.  I can think of things that really make me smile about that year too. It was my first year teaching, and I was an 8th grade Language Arts teacher. I had the best students too. Each one of them marveled at the fact that their young, “fresh out of college” teacher was pregnant. 
That year was also the year that I bought my first house, and I think I actually grew up more and took on the responsibility of finally being an adult.  My husband and I were very blessed, and I look back and am truly thankful for every blessing given to us.
The last 21 years with LeeAnn have been exciting and interesting. I had to pleasure to not only be her Mommy, but I also coached her in two sports: basketball and track.  She was quite the athlete, and she kept me on my toes as a Coach.  Those days in gyms and on tracks are some of the most memorable moments in my life as a Mother.  The love of a Mother is limitless. However, those boundaries are often tested when coaching a teenage female who just happens to be your child too.   We survived; thank God!
There are many things that I can say are special to me, but nothing compares to my role as a Mother. I think when God chose me to be a Mom, it was not for convenience nor comfort for me.  Who knows? I may have put off Motherhood for years if it were left up to me.  I am thankful that HE knew the best time for me to receive HIS greatest gifts ever.   The actress Sophia Loren stated this once: “When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child.”  Cherish the moments, and celebrate the times. Being a Mom is a 24 hour, seven day a week, and lifetime job, but it is worth every second.

Dr. Sunshine
May 19, 2013

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